Chicago Attorneys for Refusing a BAC Test

DUI Defense Lawyers for Cases at 26th and California, Markham Circuit Court, and All Cook County Courthouses
The moments leading up to and during a traffic stop can be very stressful, especially when you have been pulled over on the suspicion that you were driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It can be easy to forget what rights you may or may not have in such a situation. All too often, law enforcement takes advantage of the confusion, getting you to provide evidence against yourself in a number of ways. At Luisi Legal Group, we are dedicated to helping you through the entire process of defending against a DUI charge. We know how serious the impact to your life can be, and we will work with you to minimize the potential damage.
BAC Chemical Testing in Illinois
One of the common methods of collecting evidence of a DUI is through chemical tests for blood alcohol content, or BAC. Depending on where or when you are requested to submit to such testing, it may be within your right to refuse. You do have the right to refuse a BAC test (including breath, blood, or urine tests) if you are asked to submit to one and have not been arrested on suspicion of DUI. Once you have been arrested for DUI, however, the situation changes dramatically.
Under Illinois law, your operation of a motor vehicle on the roads of the state automatically grants your consent to a BAC test upon your arrest on suspicion of DUI. If you are arrested and you refuse the test, your driving privileges will be automatically suspended. The suspension will remain in force regardless of the outcome of the DUI charges, which means you could have your DUI case dismissed and still have your license suspended for refusing a blood alcohol content test.
Penalties for Refusing a BAC Test
Upon refusing a BAC test, your driving privileges will be suspended for one year for a first offense and three years for a second or subsequent offense. There are certain relief programs available for first-time offenders, but a second offense can have a more serious impact on your life and ability to provide for your family.
The experienced attorneys at Luisi Legal Group recognize the importance of protecting your rights and your future. We realize that in order for the suspension to stand, the arresting officer must have clearly explained the consequences of your decision and properly followed all applicable protocols. If he or she did not, we might be able to help you get the suspension vacated and your full driving privileges restored.
DUI Attorneys in Chicago Who Get the Results You Need
For more than 15 years, our firm has been helping clients with a wide variety of DUI-related concerns. We understand the law. Our familiarity with the judges and court system in Cook County have helped amass an impressive history of victories and favorable outcomes. If you are facing DUI charges or a suspension for refusing a BAC test, we can help. Our lawyers handle cases like yours, and our lawyers win cases like yours.
To learn more about us and our approach to DUI defense, contact our office. Call 773-276-5541 today to schedule a free, confidential consultation. Luisi Legal Group is proud to serve the needs of clients in Chicago. We take cases at all Cook County area courts, including 26th and California, Maywood Courthouse, Bridgeview Courthouse, Skokie Court, Markham Court, and Richard J. Daley Center.