Chicago Burglary Lawyers

What Happens If I Have Been Charged With Burglary?
When you have been charged with theft or another theft-related crime, you need help. These types of charges can range from the relatively minor, such as shoplifting a pack of gum from a convenience store, to the extremely serious like armed robbery or aggravated vehicular hijacking. No matter the severity of the allegations against you, the Chicago burglary lawyers at Luisi Legal Group is ready to provide assistance. We offer the skilled, responsible representation you deserve to protect your rights and your future.
Experienced Legal Counsel
Burglary and robbery are both serious criminal offenses in Illinois, and a conviction for either offense will follow you for the rest of your life. The two terms, however, are often used interchangeably when, in fact, they represent very different types of illegal activity. Understanding the charges against you is the first step in building your defense, and our Chicago burglary lawyers are equipped to help you do so.
Burglary Lawyers in Chicago
According to the Illinois Criminal Code, burglary is committed by a person who enters a building, vehicle, or boat with the intent to commit a felony or theft. Sometimes known informally as breaking-and-entering, burglary is more than gaining access to a locked property. You can be charged with burglary for entering through an open door or staying on a property after you have been instructed to leave. Burglary is a Class 2 felony, carrying penalties of up to seven years in prison and $25,000 in fines. If the offense is committed on property that is known to be another's dwelling, including a house, apartment, or trailer, it is prosecutable as residential burglary, a Class 1 felony. Burglary charges are commonly prosecuted in addition to charges for the associated theft or another felony.
Robbery Charges in Illinois
By contrast, robbery has little to do with gaining access to a building or vehicle. Instead, robbery is defined by Illinois law as the taking of property—other than a motor vehicle—directly from the person or presence of another person by force or by the threat of force. Taking property from another person means physically removing an item or items, such as a wallet or purse, directly from the victim's possession. Robbery is also a Class 2 felony. There are, however, many factors which could increase the severity of a robbery charge, including:
- Claiming to be armed with a weapon, even if no weapon is present;
- Using a controlled substance to subdue a victim;
- A victim who is disabled or aged 60 and over; or
- The robbery occurred at a school, day care, group home, or place of worship.
Aggravated robbery is a Class 1 felony, with a potential prison sentence of up to 15 years. Showing or using a firearm or other weapon could result in charges of armed robbery, which is a Class X felony, and could add 15 to 20 years to your prison sentence.
A Legal Team That Gets Results
Since 2000, the Chicago burglary lawyers at Luisi Legal Group have been handling criminal cases just like yours in courthouses around Cook County. In that time, we have been very successful with numerous courtroom victories and favorable outcomes. We know how to win cases like yours, and we are ready to help.
If you have been charged with burglary or robbery, contact our office. A member of our team will meet with you to discuss your options for avoiding a conviction and protecting your future. Call 773-276-5541 to schedule a free consultation. We are proud to serve clients in and around the Chicago area.